In September 2012, bartender Desmond Miles is kidnapped by Abstergo, a pharmaceutical company. He is to be used as a 17th test subject in the Animus, a device that can read the memories of Desmond's ancestors through the "genetic memory" left behind in their descendants' DNA. Desmond can then simulate the experiences of his ancestors in a virtual reality environment. Abstergo intends to put Desmond in the device to simulate the memories of one particular ancestor, Altaïr ibn La-Ahad, a member of a clan of Assassins (Hashshashin). Abstergo are specifically interested in Altaïr's experiences during the year 1191 AD, as part of the Third Crusade in the Holy Land. Desmond has trouble adjusting to the device, but eventually re-lives Altaïr's exploits over the next several days. The game then primarily takes Altaïr's point of view, with occasional swaps to Desmond when he exits the Animus device.
Altaïr is first shown attempting to retrieve an artifact, known as the "Piece of Eden", from Solomon's Temple with the help of other Assassins. He is stopped from gaining the artifact by Robert de Sablé, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, the sworn enemies of the Assassins. In a failed attempt to kill de Sablé, Altaïr breaks all three tenets of the Assassin's Creed ("Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent," "Hide in plain sight" and "Do not compromise the Brotherhood") within the opening minutes of gameplay. Meanwhile, Al Mualim, leader of the Assassins (Hashshashin) has narrowly defeated a retaliatory attack by the Templars. Upon returning to the Assassins' stronghold at Masyaf Al Mualim demotes Altaïr to the level of an initiate, but gives him another chance to rise through the ranks of the Brotherhood. Al Mualim assigns Altaïr the task of assassinating nine key figures across the Holy Land - in Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus. The aim of these assassinations is to attempt to bring peace between the Crusader and Saracen forces. Each target is based on a real historical figure from around 1191. These historical figures include Majd Addin (Regent of Jerusalem), Garnier de Naplouse (Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller), Jubair al Hakim (an eminent scholar in Damascus), Abu'l Nuqoud (the wealthiest man in Damascus), Grand Master Sibrand of the Teutonic Order and William V, Marquess of Montferrat (Regent of Acre)
Altaïr completes each task. While doing so he learns how each target is connected to Robert and the Templars. Together these enemies aim to use the Piece of Eden (which is actually only one of many) to enslave the minds of the population of the Holy Land, bringing "peace" to the land under their rule by robbing the people of free will. With important and powerful men on both sides killed, Altaïr discovers de Sablé's last ploy to attempt to unite Crusader and Saracen against their new common-enemy: the Assassins themselves. Altaïr pursues de Sablé to Arsuf, and defeats him in trial by combat before Richard the Lionheart. In doing so he convinces the king of de Sable's treason, but not that an end to the war would be welcomed by both sides. With his dying breath, de Sablé reveals that Al Mualim is himself a Templar, and that he used Altaïr to kill the other members so as to keep the treasure for himself. Altaïr quickly returns to Masyaf to accost his master, who reveals the truth: the Piece of Eden which he had received from one of the men in the Temple after Altaïr's transgression creates illusions in the mind. Al Mualim denounces religion and other seemingly supernatural events (e.g. the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Plagues of Egypt, Jesus turning water to wine and the presence of the Greek Gods in the Trojan War) as all being illusions caused by the Piece of Eden. Al Mualim then states his intention to use the artifact to place the whole of mankind into a brainwashed state, and so bring an end to all conflict. Altaïr is eventually able to see through deceptions created by the artifact, and is able to kill Al Mualim. When Altaïr recovers the artifact, the Piece of Eden activates, showing a holographic view of the world with numerous locations of the other Pieces of Eden marked across the globe.
In between sessions in the Animus, Desmond learns from a friendly technician named Lucy Stillman that Abstergo Industries is a modern-day version of the Knights Templar, and are now seeking other artifacts at locations identified in Altaïr's memory. Just before the final session, modern-day Assassins had tried to "rescue" Desmond before the process was complete - but had failed. Desmond was to be killed after the extraction of the information, but Lucy saves him from death. Though Desmond remains trapped in the Abstergo laboratory, his experience in the Animus has created a "bleeding effect". This effect means that Altaïr's past life flows into his own. This grants Desmond the use of Altaïr's "Eagle Vision" ability, which enables him to identify friendly and hostile individuals. Through this ability, Desmond learns that Lucy is his ally. Lucy shows him a bent-down ring finger, bent in the same manner that the Assassins severed their ring fingers to mark their allegiance to the Assassin Order (Hashshashin). This ability also allows him to see strange, otherwise invisible messages painted in blood on the floors and walls of the laboratory and his room. Two of the messages on the lab floor are written in a basic code; one reads "They drained my soul and made it theirs, I drain my body to show you where I saw it", the other "Artifacts sent to the skies to control all nations, to make us obey a hidden crusade. Do not help them". The messages can be interpreted as clues to the whereabouts of other Pieces of Eden - such as Yonaguni and areas of South America related to the Mayan culture. There are also several references to the "doomsday" date December 21, 2012 when Abstergo plans to launch a satellite that will... "permanently end the war". It is hinted that this will use the same method of illusion that Al Mualim used, only on a larger scale. The game ends with Desmond wondering what these images mean, and who could have drawn them.
suggested system requirements:
Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz,
graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 7800 or better),
Windows XP/Vista/7
Installation Notes:
1) extract .7z archive (use latest "Winrar v3.7x" or "7-zip")
2) run setup.bat
[if anybody face any problem, please feel free to pm me, i am ready to help]
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